In the event of a cancellation, notice should be given in writing or emailed to Kings Forest Leisure. Provided the cancellation is not less than 6 weeks before the start date of the holiday, only the deposit will be forfeited. If the notice is less than 6 weeks of the start date of the holiday, but the accommodation is re-let, only the deposit will be forfeited, otherwise you will be liable to pay the total cost of the booking.
Once a booking has been confirmed and conformation sent to you, should you require us to amend it or to re-invoice you for any reason (including for example accidental loss of the original invoice) an administration fee of £25 may be charged. Up to 8 weeks before the holiday start date you may change your accommodation to another one within the same calendar year, subject to availability and payment of an administration fee of £25 and any outstanding difference in price. You may transfer your booking to someone else/another party (introduced by you) at any time, provided you pay the administration fee of £25 and any outstanding balance.
Note: Bookings may not be transferred to other parties after we have received notification of cancellation. Refunds are at the owner/manager's discretion, any problems must be reported within 2 hours and for us to be given a fair period of time to rectify them.
In the event of circumstances beyond our control, we may need to cancel your booking. Any event over which we could not, even with all due care, foresee or avoid, or which cannot reasonably be remedied to a satisfactory standard before the start of your holiday, through fire, flood, explosion, storm or other weather damage, break-in, criminal damage or any similar event beyond our control, and if such occasion occurs that we have to cancel your booking, we will inform you as soon as possible, offer you an alternative accommodation or refund. We regret we cannot pay any compensation or meet any expenses or costs you may incur as a result of any such cancellation or change.
Vehicles and property on site left at Owners Risk